Sunday 6 July 2014

Spinach Soup

Welcome back after a long break! It's summer already and it's time for some light, fresh recipes. So here it is, a spinach soup, full of green goodness. Mild in flavour, perfect as a starter to a substantial main course.


25g butter
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 large potato, diced
300g spinach
600 ml vegetable stock
salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 tbsp creamy natural yoghurt
* croutons to serve


1. Melt the butter in a large saucepan. Add the onion and garlic and sweat until softened but not browned. 

2. Add the potatoes. Cover and allow to sweat for a few minutes, shaking the pan from time to time.

3. Add spinach and allow to wilt, stirring well from time to time. Once the spinach is wilted, add stock and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for 5 minutes.

4. Remove the soup from the heat and leave to cool a little. Blend until smooth. Stir in the cream, adjust the seasoning if necessary and reheat gently. 

5. Serve garnished with croutons (sun-dried tomato flavored ones work really well).

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