Friday 20 December 2013

Gluten-free Apricot Snack Bars

These little bars are a powerhouse of nutrition. I made them using apricots, which are excellent sources of vitamin-A and carotenes (the compounds known to have antioxidant properties and essential for vision; vitamin-A also help to maintain healthy skin); and mixed linseeds and sesame seeds. The list of health benefits of linseeds goes on and on, but most importantly, they are rich in omega 3 fats, which are essential for a healthy brain, heart, joints and immune system, and an excellent source of vitamin E required for maintaining the integrity of mucus membranes and skin. They are gluten-free and with no added sugars or sweeteners, and yummy, too! Great lunch-box snack or with yoghurt for breakfast ;)


100g dried soft apricots, very finely chopped (can use a food processor for that); the more it resembles a paste, the better
 *they cannot be too dry, but should be soft and still a bit juicy

100g mixed seeds and/or ground nuts


1. Grind the seeds in a nut grinder. Some food processors come with the attachment for nut grinding, so you can do it this way. If you're not in possession of such thing, I would recommend buying seeds smaller in size, like sesame or linseeds, or ground almonds.

2. Combine apricots (apricot paste) and seed-nut mixture. Again, you can use a food processor, however, eventually you will need to work it with your hands anyway. Make sure the ingredients are well-combined and stick together. Shape the mixture into one ball.

3. Divide into smaller portions and using your hands shape into oblong bars. It's best to do it on a flat surface, e.g. chopping board. Turn them frequently while shaping and keep pressing with hour fingers or  back of a spoon.

4. Keep in the fridge in a closed container. 

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