Sunday 1 December 2013

Rich Tomato Soup With Pesto

Tomato soup probably isn't the first thing that springs to mind when thinking about winter food. Maybe I should have cooked some sort of beef stew...? Well, there's still plenty of time for that. And actually this soup, thanks to garlic and sun-dried tomatoes, is really warming and comforting. One of my favourite tomato soup recipes.

Recipe from BBC Good Food

  • 1 tbsp butter or olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, crushed
  • 5 soft sun-dried tomatoes in oil, roughly chopped
  • 3 x 400g cans plum tomatoes
  • 500ml turkey or vegetable stock
  • 1 tsp sugar, any type, or more to taste
  • 142ml pot soured cream
  • green pesto, to serve


1. Heat the butter or oil in a large pan, then add the garlic and soften for a few mins over a low heat. Add the sun-dried or SunBlush tomatoes, canned tomatoes, stock, sugar and seasoning, then bring to a simmer. Let the soup bubble for 10 mins until the tomatoes have broken down a little. 

2. Whizz with a stick blender, adding half the pot of soured cream as you go. Taste and adjust the seasoning – add more sugar if you need to. Serve in bowls with 1 tbsp or so of the pesto swirled on top.

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